Support - C-LEARNING

Some courses contain editable documents.
All you have to do is click on the download button in the top right corner of the browser window. Then you can – provided the contents are editable – fill in the desired PDFs.


Windows: Click on the download symbol at the top right. A new tab opens and you can describe the fields marked in blue.

iOS: Click on the download symbol at the top right. A new tab opens. Click on the “Share” icon and then on “Save to files”. Now you can save the document as you wish and open it for editing.



Countdown pop-up window

Since html is not considered active use in C-LEARNING (e.g. when editing e-learnings or PDFs), a window appears prompting you to continue working or to log out. This is for your security and to ensure correct logout.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The programmes and content are predefined and cannot be added to or changed.

No. The programmes and content are predefined and cannot be added to or changed.
Please refer to our 
Examination Platform (EXPLA).

In some cases, Chrome may prevent a start as long as you are logged in with your Google account in Chrome.
Change the account to ‘Guest’ – then the courses should work.

This is due to rendering problems that mainly occur in the Google Chrome browser.
You can work around this display error here:

1. go to Chrome, enter the URL chrome://flags
2. search for ‘accelerated 2d canvas’
3. change from ‘enabled’ to ‘disabled’
4. restart Chrome